Author Archives: bolt

Fixing empty search results in the Windows 10 Settings (the shiny new Control Panel)

This happened on a few machines I am responsible for, after the upgrade to Windows 10. You click “Start”, type “updates”, it suggests “Check for Updates” in the “Settings” app, you click <enter> and it opens an empty settings window with no search results. Great. After looking around for a while, I stumbled over the […]

W: [pulseaudio] authkey.c: Failed to open cookie file ‘/home/user/.config/pulse/cookie’: No such file or directory

W: [pulseaudio] authkey.c: Failed to open cookie file ‘/home/user/.config/pulse/cookie’: No such file or directory W: [pulseaudio] authkey.c: Failed to load authorization key ‘/home/user/.config/pulse/cookie’: No such file or directory I had this problem on an embedded box, with no X11, or even a screen. Turns out that at least some versions of Debian have an issue […]

Export certificates marked as not exportable in the Windows certificate manager

So, you need the private key for a certificate on Windows, for some innocent snooping around with Wireshark, but someone marked it as not exportable. Now what? Cue Gentil Kiwi and his tool Mimikatz. The following commands will extract the certificates from the local store: crypto::capi crypto::certificates /systemstore=CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_LOCAL_MACHINE /export The password for the pfx files […]

My tweaks to Kali Linux (note to self)

Here are some of the things I did to make Kali Linux 2016.1 suit my taste, mostly intended as a note to myself, but posted here in case it helps anyone else. General checklist Install aptitude and update everything Add settings icon to left panel Enable mouse tap to click in “Settings => Mouse & […]

Enabling Quick Launch in Windows 10

I have my taskbar set to “Use small taskbar buttons” and “Never combine”, probably as much out of habit as anything else. This means that when I pin programs to the taskbar, opening one of them, suddenly making it display a title for one or more windows, will push any pinned programs to its right […]

Find and kill long running MS SQL Server queries

I have to admit this is cargo cult SQL to me, but here’s how to find running queries, sorted by their total elapsed time: SELECT [sqltext].[TEXT], [req].[session_id], [req].[status], [req].[command], [req].[cpu_time], [req].[total_elapsed_time] FROM [sys].[dm_exec_requests] [req] CROSS APPLY [sys].[dm_exec_sql_text](sql_handle) AS sqltext ORDER BY [req].[total_elapsed_time] DESC To kill a given query, use: kill <session_id> ..without the brackets <>, […]

SPF exists for a reason, and postfix makes it ridiculously easy

In the bronze age, messages came in, signed, and you’d simply have to assume they were from the Almighty Bob. Today, email is still technically in the iron age, but at least we have SPF. In a nutshell, when enables SPF for their domain, they can be sure that other people, which mail […]