Category Archives: Windows

Stuff about Microsoft’s answer to elevator music

Moving columns in PowerQuery without naming every column

If you have pivoted data, you probably don’t want to name all the columns to move one, as a lot of them are going to contain dynamic data. The solution is to use the list of columns, manually moving the one you want into the desired position, as such: = Table.ReorderColumns(PreviousStepName, List.InsertRange(List.RemoveItems(Table.ColumnNames(PreviousStepName), {“ColumnToMove”}), 4, {“ColumnToMove”})) […]

DNS names for Hyper-V client machines

So, running a couple of Hyper-V machines, and needing to determine their local IP addresses to connect to them. As long as the Hyper-V Integration Services are installed (apt-get install hyperv-daemons on Debian-based distributions), PowerShell on the host machine will have access to the IP addresses of the client machine. Without the Integration Services, PowerShell […]

Generating a C# library from swagger.json using Docker for Windows

Just a short reference for myself (and maybe for you). How to run Docker for Windows, mount a local file system drive inside of the container, grab the swagger.json file off of a URL, and generate a library: Using swagger-codegen-cli (old): docker run -it -v //c/temp/swagger:/local –network host –rm swaggerapi/swagger-codegen-cli generate -i “” -l csharp […]

“Invalid provider type specified” CryptographicException when accessing the PrivateKey property of a certificate in C#/.Net

We recently encountered this in a production environment: A customer had installed a new certificate, and this exception began showing up in the logs. Luckily, the application was smart enough to at least fall back on using the previous (not yet expired) certificate, so no downtime occurred. Turns out the customer had been provided with […]

The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed

So, you resurrected a VM from the cold, damp crypts of the deepest backup dungeons, and now you can’t log in because the VM doesn’t trust the domain server anymore? That’s alright. The Windows Domain will rotate its keys from time to time, and an offline VM snapshot will not know about it. You don’t […]

Who deleted the files from the Windows file server?

Classic whodunit – the file is gone. Who deleted it? Well, unless you’ve already prepared for this, Windows has no log for you. Sorry. The good news is that this is an excellent time to prepare for the next time. So let’s do that. Enable the auditing of file operations to the Windows Event Log […]