Category Archives: Solved Problems

Problems and solutions. Good stuff.

Quickly generate a 10 year, base64 encoded, self signed, client cert using OpenSSL

Just a bunch of commands I might need later: #!/usr/bin/env bash set -eu certname=”MyClient” pubfile=”pub.cer” tmp=”$(mktemp -d)” trap ‘rm -r “$tmp”‘ EXIT openssl genrsa -out “${tmp}/private.key” 4096 openssl req -new -key “${tmp}/private.key” -subj “/CN=$certname” -out “${tmp}/request.csr” openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in “${tmp}/request.csr” -signkey “${tmp}/private.key” -out “${tmp}/certificate.crt” openssl pkcs12 -export -out “${tmp}/certificate.pfx” -inkey “${tmp}/private.key” -in […]

Allowing an empty JSON body, or no Content-Type, in a C# ASP.NET Core API

NOTE: In applications targeting net7.0+, Microsoft has fixed this issue, and you can set your Object to be default null (MyClass thingamagic= null), having it work as expected.Leaving the below hack in here for anyone stuck on net6 or below. — You may be here because you’re getting this: {“type”:”″,”title”:”Unsupported Media Type”,”status”:415,”traceId”:”00-0d785f3d1cb4fd71bc36ee25561e4b48-6bc5df1f0d070024-00″} Or this: {“type”:”″,”title”:”One […]

Moving columns in PowerQuery without naming every column

If you have pivoted data, you probably don’t want to name all the columns to move one, as a lot of them are going to contain dynamic data. The solution is to use the list of columns, manually moving the one you want into the desired position, as such: = Table.ReorderColumns(PreviousStepName, List.InsertRange(List.RemoveItems(Table.ColumnNames(PreviousStepName), {“ColumnToMove”}), 4, {“ColumnToMove”})) […]

DNS names for Hyper-V client machines

So, running a couple of Hyper-V machines, and needing to determine their local IP addresses to connect to them. As long as the Hyper-V Integration Services are installed (apt-get install hyperv-daemons on Debian-based distributions), PowerShell on the host machine will have access to the IP addresses of the client machine. Without the Integration Services, PowerShell […]

Web Echo Service for developers

I recently had need of a service that would return your exact query to you for web client (or proxy) development purposes, in a case where using Fiddler, Wireshark, tcpdump was proving difficult for various reasons. The solution became the C-Net Echo Service, available at (and over plain HTTP if you need it). […]

curl SSL fails even with ca-certificates installed

curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificateMore details here: So curl fails to access sites over https, even if ca-certificates is installed in your Docker container? You need to force a certificate rehash. Why this is not done by default escapes me. /usr/bin/c_rehash curl should be happy now. Enjoy!