Category Archives: Linux

Stuff about the superior OS

Running PulseAudio in system mode with TCP listening on Debian Wheezy

On this thin client I’ve set up, I wanted pulseaudio to run before logging in, and not have any specific users on the machine. System mode was called for. On Wheezy, pulseaudio is by default configured for per-user sessions. To remedy this, edit /etc/default/pulseaudio, putting PULSEAUDIO_SYSTEM_START=1 Then, edit /etc/pulse/ – this is the file that […]

Mysterious IGMP Query Request packets from to

On my Debian KVM hosts, and on the firewalls that guard them, I noticed that every two minutes, plus a couple seconds or so each time, I’d see blocked IGMP packages from to Googling around, I found this post, explaining that it’s the multicast_snooping option for bridge-utils that’s causing it. Being KVM hosts, […]

One-time passwords in Debian Wheezy with libpam-otpw

While public and private keys with decent pass-phrases are an excellent way of logging in securely to a remote system, it’s sometimes simply not feasible. Your Android device which normally does the job for you is out of battery, you are in a remote country with only a wired connection in a shady Internet café, […]

Using CheckInstall to track custom source downloads on Debian

CheckInstall keeps track of all files installed by a “make install” or equivalent, creates a Slackware, RPM, or Debian package with those files, and adds it to the installed packages database, allowing for easy package removal or distribution. Use CheckInstall instead of just running “sudo make install“, as that will likely put files all over […]

ShellShock – a Bash 3 / Bash 4 spaceshooter!

My weekend project: A top-down space shooter in Bash Note: Bash is SLOW. This requires an Intel Core Solo or better to run well. Comments welcome. Patches twice as welcome. Link: Update: Since the name “ShellShock” was used as a nickname for a Bash exploit, this game has received a whole lot of attention. […]

Pausing and continuing a process on Linux

If you want to pause a process while you do something else, like for instance stop a heavy file operation while you’re just moving some stuff around quickly, there are two signals to pay attention to: STOP and CONT. STOP will pause a process (not actually stop it – it doesn’t die) CONT continues a […]

Linux on Mac Mini – power on after power loss

The Mac Mini doesn’t save this information in its BIOS (or equivalent), so you need to set it on each boot. I use my distribution’s /etc/rc.local file for this. Either way, these are the commands to run (copy, and uncomment the correct line for your Mini): ## PPC Mac Mini #echo server_mode=1 > /proc/pmu/options ## […]