Category Archives: Reference

Short references for personal… reference. Basically a howto for the tech-savvy.

Retrieving Opera wand passwords, opera password recovery

To fetch Opera’s stored wand passwords, all you need is a new powerbutton. Don’t pay for this service! Fetch that and use this new button instead of the wand when you want to recover a password you’ve saved with the wand.

Installing Opera in Debian etch

A short reference on how to install Opera on Debian etch. Edit /etc/apt/sources.list, add: deb etch non-free Then  import the public keys for the opera repository: gpg –keyserver –recv-key 6A423791 gpg –fingerprint 6A423791 gpg –armor –export 6A423791| apt-key add – Then run “apt-get update && apt-get install opera” and live happily ever after […]

Performance Tuning VMWare Server

Stole this from for personal reference. EDIT 2015: The link is now dead, so props to me for doing so. Damn you, Internet.

Prevent syslog from spamming the console

Sometimes it seems syslog is determined to spam the tty’s with useless information from the system logs. This happens on some systems, and I have yet to figure out why, because I do mostly the same install on all of them. Anyway, here’s how to get the damn things to stay in the log and […]

How to move a mysql database from one box to another

Simple reference, moving a mysql database: mysqldump -h <oldhostip/name> -u username -p[<password>] <databasename> > <dumpfilename>.sql mysql -u<username> -p[<password>] < <dumpfilename>.sql Note: The lack of spaces in some places of the commands. They are intended. Note: Specifying the password after -p is []’d, which means it’s optional. Note: If you do enter a password on the […]

Installing vmware from scratch

This is an updated (as of 6. July 2008) howto on how to install vmware server on top of a fresh install of Debian Linux. First, make sure you have all the required libraries. If you’re on a console-based installation, you may need to “apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` libx11-6 libx11-dev x-window-system-core x-window-system xspecs libxtst6 psmisc […]