Category Archives: Windows

Stuff about Microsoft’s answer to elevator music

Removing a WIFI-network in Windows 8

After having to look this up a third time, I found a post on Vonnie’s blog about it. I made a copy here. In short, Microsoft fucked up and you’re left with the command line to do this, unless the wireless network is in range. The following commands list all the WIFI networks you have […]

Logging out of a samba file server

When changing your password on a samba (Linux) server, the tokens a Windows machine holds get invalidated, yet Windows does not automatically prompt for new credentials. Instead, it consistently says “access denied” when trying to access a previously available share, say, \\myfineserver\share If you previously mapped this drive, disconnecting is trivial in explorer, but if […]

Creating persistent SSH tunnels in Windows using autossh

Download Cygwin ( Install Cygwin, selecting the autossh package. Start the Cygwin shell (Start -> Programs -> Cygwin). Generate a public/private key pair. At the command line, run: ssh-keygen Accept the default file locations Use an empty passphrase Copy your newly-created public key to the SSH server. scp .ssh/ Add your public key to […]

Cygwin auto started sshd service as single user on Windows 8

On a single user desktop, you might want to run cygwin sshd autostarted as a specific user, without privilege separation. Here’s a short reference: Disable UAC Open a Cygwin terminal ssh-host-config Select “no” on privilege separation Enter nothing, [], as the value of CYGWIN for the daemon Select “yes” to use a different username than […]

Enable username and password in URL in Internet Explorer

After IE6, usernames and passwords in URL’s are no longer enabled by default in Internet Explorer, the reasoning being that saving usernames and passwords in the browser history and referral headers is a very, very bad idea. Still, it’s sometimes needed, especially when dealing with old IP cameras, which is when I last bumped into […]

Disable UAC in Windows 8

While Windows 7 let you disable UAC by simply typing “UAC” into the search field on the start menu and disabling it from the UAC options that show up, Windows 8 made it a bit more complicated. In short, press Windows+R, type secpol.msc, go to “Local Policies => Security Options” and set “User Account Control: […]

Tell your friends how to burn ISO files properly

I have no idea how many blank CD’s I’ve seen wasted on having a file system with a single .iso file on them. Then, I found this page: It tells you how to burn an image with basically any Windows-based software out there. If someone runs Linux, I assume they can figure it out […]

How to Hide a User Account from the Welcome Screen

Use RegEdit (start->run->”regedit”) to go to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\ Add, if one does not exist, a key called “SpecialAccounts” Under that, add a key called “UserList” Create new DWORD (32-bit) keys for each user you want to hide in your newly formed HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\Userlist Make the name of each DWORD the EXACT username you want to […]