Category Archives: Reference

Short references for personal… reference. Basically a howto for the tech-savvy.

Office Volume License Keys (VLK)

I keep having to look these up, so I stored them here. Office 2019 Product KMS Client Setup Key Office Professional Plus 2019 NMMKJ-6RK4F-KMJVX-8D9MJ-6MWKP Office Standard 2019 6NWWJ-YQWMR-QKGCB-6TMB3-9D9HK Project Professional 2019 B4NPR-3FKK7-T2MBV-FRQ4W-PKD2B Project Standard 2019 C4F7P-NCP8C-6CQPT-MQHV9-JXD2M Visio Professional 2019 9BGNQ-K37YR-RQHF2-38RQ3-7VCBB Visio Standard 2019 7TQNQ-K3YQQ-3PFH7-CCPPM-X4VQ2 Access 2019 9N9PT-27V4Y-VJ2PD-YXFMF-YTFQT Excel 2019 TMJWT-YYNMB-3BKTF-644FC-RVXBD Outlook 2019 7HD7K-N4PVK-BHBCQ-YWQRW-XW4VK PowerPoint 2019 […]

Finding and killing stuck or mistyped postgresql queries

I’ve found these useful during development: Listing running queries: SELECT pid, now() – pg_stat_activity.query_start AS duration, query FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE state = ‘active’ AND pid <> pg_backend_pid(); Listing queries that have run for more than a full minute: SELECT pid, now() – pg_stat_activity.query_start AS duration, query FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE state = ‘active’ AND pid <> […]

Web Echo Service for developers

I recently had need of a service that would return your exact query to you for web client (or proxy) development purposes, in a case where using Fiddler, Wireshark, tcpdump was proving difficult for various reasons. The solution became the C-Net Echo Service, available at (and over plain HTTP if you need it). […]

Generating a C# library from swagger.json using Docker for Windows

Just a short reference for myself (and maybe for you). How to run Docker for Windows, mount a local file system drive inside of the container, grab the swagger.json file off of a URL, and generate a library: Using swagger-codegen-cli (old): docker run -it -v //c/temp/swagger:/local –network host –rm swaggerapi/swagger-codegen-cli generate -i “” -l csharp […]

Remote Desktop (RDP) to a computer that’s enrolled in Azure AD

If you attempt to connect to a machine that’s enrolled in Azure AD from a workstation that’s not part of the domain, like your desktop or laptop at home, you’ve likely encountered this issue. Firstly, we should get a few basics out of the way. You need a correct username and password. When your user […]

curl SSL fails even with ca-certificates installed

curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificateMore details here: So curl fails to access sites over https, even if ca-certificates is installed in your Docker container? You need to force a certificate rehash. Why this is not done by default escapes me. /usr/bin/c_rehash curl should be happy now. Enjoy!

GLaDOS Voice Generator (weekend project)

I wanted some GLaDOS-like sounds for my home automation system. I found this project, which doesn’t work anymore as of writing, as the synthesis server is offline. Thus, my weekend project turned into a week-long evening project. But that’s fine, as the result is cool: The new GLaDOS Voice Generator is here! Enjoy.

Perl one-liner to create random passwords

Just wrote this thing. Putting it here, in case anyone needs it. perl -e ‘my @c = ((‘a’..’z’), (‘A’..’Z’), (0..9)); for(1..128) {print $c[int(rand($#c+1))]}’ It creates random passwords, with the length specified by the number following “1..”, which is 128, in this example. Example outputs: lFcQYCtPl653r9D3cSfcFyeLJlbdDNPrxeIjkf6c77CjBRgtTRHKKL824La4giNLJkza66CzlecoOExPeuEJyQAnHFOQpcPsPbRiycSttCXwGhYK40BfQFlLWJapPltu HQVfvdUrkOOExPAiH5ry7u177TjgsDnfW4FlVuDeU3f833kPAe9z4XKZuKhqYaTZAd7wzuAgX8eTWM79TgDymNJWZ8RNRa30DuNSd5xCZ6rkMS00q35R4jWxR7Ztzbfn dCAlGY0KfNlPfp9D2DuhNHM8oqXFijXrjaRWxidzydzjUF61i0sAitCiZUiOrBsZwToqWXXMbxxjo6kKOIb5MxFQPkuIfsteavxd6gX2I7sQhJh4MmztondoikQ4Pb6i