Author Archives: bolt

Aeon Cobra 50cc (GOES 50s) service manuals and parts lists

Something completely unrelated to this blog thing, but I feel I have to put it somewhere. I recently did some mechanical work on an Aeon Cobra 50cc (AT70 in the registration) and spent a few evenings looking up information about it. The Aeon Cobra 50cc is sold in several Nordic countries as the GOES 50s. […]

Using MERGE to insert/update in SQL Server

After finding various useless references on how to use the MERGE statement in SQL Server 2008, I found this one that I could use, so I copied it here for personal reference: MERGE tablename AS target USING (VALUES (‘new value’, ‘different value’)) AS source (field1, field2) ON target.idfield = 7 WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET […]

MSSQL Mass Delete

To avoid holding up everything else when deleting massive amounts of data from an SQL Server table, you can use the TOP() function to delete the data in chunks. SELECT 1 WHILE @@ROWCOUNT > 0 BEGIN DELETE TOP(1000) FROM [dbo].[mytable] WHERE timestampUtc < ‘2015-05-29’ END The “SELECT 1” primes the @@ROWCOUNT variable, so the while […]

dovecot: master: Error: systemd listens on port 143, but it’s not configured in Dovecot. Closing.

Upgrading a mail server from Debian Wheezy (7) to Debian Jessie (8), the following errors were observed in the mail.error log: dovecot: master: Error: systemd listens on port 143, but it’s not configured in Dovecot. Closing. dovecot: master: Error: systemd listens on port 993, but it’s not configured in Dovecot. Closing Looking for solutions, I […]

Installing Windows Live Essentials on Windows XP – Error: OnCatalogResult: 0x80190194

wlsetup-all-en_GB wlsetup-all-en_USSupport for Windows XP from Microsoft has long since ended, and although Windows Update still kind of works (you have to run the “Express” option a few times, and install Microsoft Update, before “Custom” works), attempts to install Windows Live Essentials fail miserably with the cryptic error message “OnCatalogResult: 0x80190194”. Downloading the installer manually […]