Category Archives: Windows

Stuff about Microsoft’s answer to elevator music

Enable remote management of Windows Server Core and Hyper-V Core

This is a reference for the commands to enable the firewall rules necessary to remotely manage Windows Server Core and Hyper-V Core. I keep having to look these up… Enable-NetFireWallRule -DisplayName “Windows Management Instrumentation (DCOM-In)” Enable-NetFireWallRule -DisplayGroup “Remote Event Log Management” Enable-NetFireWallRule -DisplayGroup “Remote Service Management” Enable-NetFireWallRule -DisplayGroup “Remote Volume Management” Enable-NetFireWallRule -DisplayGroup “Remote Scheduled […]

Forcing Cygwin to create sane permissions on Windows

If you use Cygwin to mainly manipulate files in your regular Windows filesystem, under /cygdrive/…, you have probably seen this message more than a few times: “The permissions on <node> are incorrectly ordered, which may cause some entries to be ineffective” You have also likely seen “NULL SID” as the top entry in permission lists. […]

Using external Certificate Authority certificates in a restricted or closed environment

In this example, we’ll be using a wildcard certificate from Let’s Encrypt, obtained through their recently released wildcard certificate offering. What we’re doing The use case is that we want, for one reason or another, to use this certificate in an environment that does not have unrestricted internet access, such as a health institution or […]

How to deal with error 0xC03F6506 when upgrading stubborn Windows 10 Home Edition machines to Pro using a VLK

So, the machine auto-activates Windows 10 Home Edition at install time. No prompts, no nothing. You insert the generic upgrade key, and it throws an unhelpful error message back at you: Error code 0x83FA067 means exactly the same thing, as does 0xC004F069. This probably surprises nobody, but trying again, as the above message suggests, will […]

Shrinking a Windows 10 installation for small harddrives

Cheap Windows 10 capable devices often come with very limited internal storage space. To make use of this, it is of course crucial that Windows itself takes up as little space as possible. To combat the bloat, there’s a little known feature in compact.exe, the built-in disk compression tool, that compresses the operating system itself, […]